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Strategic Evolution,
Bold Declaration

Long before Synchrony had a formal Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship (EDIC) focus, we prided ourselves on a culture of openness and mutual support. Many of our early programs around diversity and inclusion arose organically—simply because it was the right thing to do. Over the years, and as EDIC has risen to the forefront of corporate responsibility, we, too, have evolved.


At Synchrony, we lead with Equity in everything we do. This is intentional. MORE than a consideration, equity is the foundation of our initiatives and enables us to make continuous, long-lasting change.

At Synchrony, building an inclusive culture where our differences are celebrated has always been intuitive. Still, we needed to be more intentional about how we approach Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship (EDIC) to make meaningful progress. So, in 2021, our President and Chief Executive Officer, Brian Doubles, made EDIC one of Synchrony’s top eight strategic imperatives. This focus has helped integrate EDIC into the fibers of the organization.

Empowered by our core beliefs, we are continuously evolving our workplace and holding ourselves accountable. We understand that to affect change, it requires a clear vision, unwavering commitment and a willingness to push boundaries. Our method is to apply emerging Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship best practices while investing in resources that enable us to both sustain progress and innovate.

A message from Michael Matthews and Brian Doubles

When we amplified our intentions to advance Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship (EDIC), we understood that the road to sustained progress would be never-ending. We know that leading change, while exciting, is also challenging and that some of the toughest parts will be continually holding ourselves accountable and maintaining our stride. We know that many are being asked to deprioritize EDIC, in light of the scrutiny and division around it. Not us. We believe in this work.

When new challenges arise, we understand the impact of stopping or shrinking ourselves. Instead, we see this as an opportunity to leverage our collective passion, continue to align to our mission and do MORE.

That includes more self-examination. In 2023, we saw increased social and political polarization around EDIC, and it gave us an opportunity to look closer at our efforts and our impact. Instead of pulling back, we remained focused and expanded our conversations, because we understand that creating spaces for diversity of thought is part of what helps make our work relevant, real and sustainable. We remain unafraid to address tough questions and welcome discussions about the importance of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Citizenship. We want to hear more stories and varied perspectives and enrich our work through those exchanges.

As EDIC continues to evolve, so will our learnings and our aspirations. For us, it’s not about evolving just for the sake of change or to commune with like-minds. It’s about actively seeking out and listening to diverse voices, striving to understand many lived experiences and, ultimately, broadening our community over time. Taking a balanced approach to our efforts, we continue to invite more people into our EDIC community and create environments where everyone feels heard and supported.

We are not perfect but that has never been our goal. Rather, we value progress—even in the midst of learning and growing—and that focus helps us remove barriers to our ability to successfully assess our performance, stay agile and consistently think of new pathways to bring about progress. And we are emboldened by our people continually sharing their feedback on our actions, as they challenge us to be better.

In our second diversity report, we share how our commitment to MORE has resonated throughout our organization and in the communities we serve. Each year we make progress on the aspirations of our EDIC North Star—to enrich every life we touch by leading with Equity in everything we do—and that is inspiring and affirming.

We are proud of our evolution, have momentum to continue to push forward and are motivated to do MORE, see MORE and feel MORE. Thank you for sharing in this journey with us.

Michael Matthews
Synchrony Chief Diversity &
Corporate Responsibility Officer

Brian Doubles
Synchrony President &
Chief Executive Officer